lunes, 29 de abril de 2013

Comenius Project. Learning about Little creatures. Minibeasts Facts

Ahora que los padres nos han visto, podemos ir mostrando el trabajo realizado.
Después de construir los "growing trees", las flores y decorar nuestro "Natural Park", investigamos sobre distintas especies de bichitos en inglés y se lo presentamos a nuestros compañeros.

jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Parque central 3.

Tony also took amazing photos of the Central Park: bees flying over the flowes of a bush, grass, a dandelion,  busy ants working, small pebbles, pine tress....

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013


We are learning about soil too.

Soil, Rocks and Minerals

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Comenius Project: Central Park. Flowers and more

Today, we have started brainstorming about our Central Park: What's it like?  What landscape features can you find- natural and man-made-? Plants, the type of soil... Then we began making amazing "growing" trees with recycled magazines and we have just started making flowers that we'll finish tomorrow.   Here you have some videos, in case you  want to prepare a flower at home during this week , with the help of mummy and daddy, that you'd like to have in your park. But the most important of all: use your imagination to make them!

Some mothers helped preparing our park in the main entrance of our school.. Thank you very much!!!

El Parque Central

Aquí tenemos las primeras fotos del Parque Central, tomadas por el reportero más dicharachero de 3º A. este fin de semana. Tenemos que coger ideas para nuestro parque, chicos.


Visita al aula de las vaquerizas

Antes de Semana Santa visitamos el aula medioambiental "Las Vaquerizas".  Aprendimos un montón de cosas y nos vino fenomenal como punto de arranque para el Proyecto Comenius, que trata sobre el parque Central.-entre otras cosas-..